
Hey yo, Game Roomies! I have some huge news. Not gonna lie, I wasn’t expecting to have something like this to say for a while. But, I have my official announcement, that I have been picked up to do some freelance writing for a publication called MMOExaminer! They focus on gaming news more than reviews, but all sorts of Game Journalism content is present here. I will be linking some articles that I write there to this site. Does this mean that the flow of Game Room Exclusive content will decrease? No. I’m going to work diligently to ensure that the Game Room continues to grow. I really appreciate your support, as my following. You’ve all made this possible. I hope we can continue to make the Game Room an awesome place, for gamers of all ages and interests. In the meantime, here are some links I want you to check out.

For the website itself and a few articles that I’ve already written, head here!

For the crowdfunding video, head here! <If you love me, you’ll make a donation, because that will eventually increase my pay. This site is really legit guys, and I’m so glad to be contributing to something so cool. That being said, I’m going to take it easy for this evening, as I’ve been working hard all day getting logistics figured out and whatnot. Thank you all for your constant love and support, and come back soon for more from the GAME ROOM!!!