
I know, for those of you that follow the blog exclusively, it probably seems like it’s been a super long time since I’ve written anything. I assure you that is not the case. The logistics of the podcast are most definitely in limbo right now, but my written content has been on full blast.

If you haven’t, you should follow me on all social media platforms. Through my Facebook and Twitter pages, I share all of the written works I do for MMOExaminer and MMOsite. Anything I have to say about a recent event in the industry, or anything remotely close, can be found there. So please check those out.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MustaphasGameRoom/

Twitter: @mgameroom

So don’t worry, if you still miss my sweet writer’s voice, best believe you’ll be able to find everything you need on these two pages. So for more on what we’ve been up to, and any updates on the podcast, please stay tuned for more from the GAME ROOM!!!

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