Amber Tackles The Xbox One

I’ve been a Playstation gamer all my life. I have every Playstation, 1-4, and I’ve been fine just sticking to Sony. I never had the need to get an Xbox….until now. I’m in a relationship with a Microsoft user (insert shudder here) and they have  convicted me to get an Xbox One. Sony, I swear, it’s not what it looks like.

As a Playstation gamer, there have been many thoughts going through my mind as I get used to this contraption known as the Xbox One, and I thought I would share some with you today.

So I don’t understand why they called them bumpers and triggers. I honestly still don’t know the difference. I will always know them as r1, r2 etc.

Why is the A button in the X button spot? And where is my triangle button? Why is this controller so different and bulky? I don’t think I can handle this. I will say, though, it has better battery life then the PS4 controllers… only because it uses AA batteries.

To be honest, the Xbox One is so chunky compared to the PS4. Like I had to carry that thing around in my duffle bag and I’m pretty sure I killed my back and shoulder. Thanks, Microsoft.

Also I just love all of the exclusives you have….I literally can’t stand Halo, and Quantum Break, the game that came with my Xbox, isn’t so good either. PS4 still has better exclusives right now.  

I remember people saying Xbox One had better graphics than PS4, but I literally see no difference whatsoever. Thanks, Microsoft.

I kicked off my flip flop and it accidently turned on my Xbox. The touch screen turn on is way too sensitive…..Thanks, Microsoft.

Actually, I love my Xbox One so far. It’s taking a lot to get used to, but I get to play a lot of games with my significant other and other friends that have the console. It’s really fun to have parties and just play Minecraft or Overwatch. I can’t decide with console I like better. Both have its perks. Playstation, I swear it’s not what it look like. I can love you both equally. I would say that if you’re thinking about getting an Xbox One anytime soon you should definitely wait until the slim comes out. It’s going to be cheaper, have an actual button instead of a touch sensitive button, and it’s not going to be as heavy. I mean, seriously, this thing weighs a ton.

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