I’m not sure if Hearthstone is the type of game one reviews. But I know that it’s a game I want to talk about, for many many reasons. So let’s get started. Let’s give a little bit of background into Hearthstone, and my experiences with it. Hearthstone is a virtual card game based on Blizzard’s Warcraft franchise. While I myself have never indulged in Warcraft or World of Warcraft, I was big into card games as a kid.
Hearthstone as an idea is something I always wanted. All the fun of a card game with none of the work. None of the booster packs, and the manual shuffling, and arguably most of all, finding people to play with. If you didn’t know people who played Yu-Gi-Oh, you weren’t playing at all. Maybe you could go down to a local Toys-R-Us for one of those tournaments or something, but let’s face it, that’s kind of weird if you’re my age. It’s also a lot of work. Hearthstone saves you all of that trouble in a unique and streamlined experience.

Promotional Art for the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion.
To start, you are given one of nine classes, and you get to experience the tutorial using that class. Then you are given the opportunity to unlock and hone skills with all of the other classes. Daily challenges allow you to earn gold, and gold can be used to purchase card packs. Card packs can contain any five random cards from the set. There are currently three types of card packs you can buy. Classic, containing original cards, Goblins vs Gnomes, containing cards exclusively from that expansion, as well as the Grand Tournament or the newest expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods.
The fundamentals of Hearthstone are pretty key as well. The game works in a rather interesting way. You and your opponent control a “hero” with a special set of cards and a unique ability. Each hero has 30 health points, and when a hero’s health points reach zero, the other player wins. Each card in your hand has a “mana” cost, and each turn you gain another mana. Meaning that, no matter what cards are in your hand, you won’t be able to play some for several turns. The cap is 10 mana crystals.
There are three types of cards. Minions, which are little soldiers you can play to fight on your behalf, with attack, health, and special abilities of their own. Then there are spells, which can trigger nasty effects, destroying/summoning minions, healing, or doing damage. Then finally, weapons, which are the least common type of card. Weapons are made to be equipped to a hero, and allow the hero to do damage on their own.
Unless a minion has the charge ability, they have to wait a turn before they can attack, which sets up pretty crazy strategies and adds a layer of depth to how you play minions, and under which situations you do.
Enough of the tutorial though. Let’s talk some of my favorite aspects of this game. For one, I’m a college student living on campus for most of the year. It’s nice to find a game with a pretty strong community on campus, and have the opportunity to build more common interests with other people. It’s also a very on the go experience with mobile ports on numerous platforms, so it compliments my very radical schedule in a way that most games just can’t.
Hearthstone is always growing. The meta is forever changing, and cards are continually being added and patched, making for a real added longevity to the game. As long as you can adapt, you can continue to be good. For example, before this summer, there were five main types of abilities. Charge, which allows minions to attack without waiting a turn. Windfury, which allows minions to attack twice in one turn. Taunt, which forces you to have to destroy a minion before you can attack any other character. Battlecry, which is a special affect activated when a minion is summoned. And Deathrattle, which triggers something when a minion dies. Now there is inspire, which activates a special affect every time your hero uses their special ability. There’s discover, which lets you pick between three cards. There are also things like divine shield and stealth, which protect minions from damage. It’s an incredible ever changing experience that keeps you on your toes with its many expansions and updates.
Hearthstone is Free-To-Play, but not pay to win. While you can use real money to buy packs, and the rare adventure cards as well, every single card in the game can be achieved with nothing but gold. That means that by simply playing the game, you will not only improve on a tactical level, but you will actually be rewarded better cards as you go. The combination of brain and brawn at its finest. 100 Gold can get you a pack, while 150 gold can get you into the special Arena Mode. 700 gold can buy you one of five wings for any given adventure. The adventures reward special cards, so they’re worth saving for.

Promotional Art for Whispers of the Old Gods Expansion.
The weekly Tavern Brawl is pretty radical too! Every single week you can participate in battles with strangers or friends under special conditions. For example, the Boss Brawl is when each player will be randomly assigned one of two characters with special cards and abilities to replicate a battle from the Hearthstone adventures. It’s a good way to try cards you don’t have, as well as earn a free pack.
There’s also the Arena mode, which I can’t speak much to. I haven’t played it much despite now playing the game for half a year. It costs gold, and I save my gold for adventures. Because adventures are awesome and get you crazy good cards.
This game for sure challenges your mind, your patience, and your ability to adapt to ever changing tactical scenarios. If you want to play it, and you’re reading this, odds are you can! You can download it on the Play Store or App Store on most mobile devices, including tablets. It’s also available on PC and Mac. And it’s free! So there’s no reason not to.
Alright, that’s all for this post. If you already play Hearthstone, feel free to add me! Mustapha#1884
Thank you and come back soon for more from the GAME ROOM!!!